King's Ferret Rescue
King's Ferret Rescue wants to spread our message of hope and compassion. We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world. Through advocacy and outreach activities, our team (Ashley & Daniel King, husband and wife,
founders and owners) works tirelessly each day to contribute their part to the greater good.

Making A Difference
Animal Rescue and Care
Reinforcing our Commitment
Our main focus at King's Ferret Rescue is to rescue and rehabilitate ferrerts who have been abandoned, abused, neglected, mistreated, etc. We rescue ferrets from all types of backgrounds... From those whose families simply do not have the time, energy, or finances to care for their ferret any longer, to those who come from horrible situations where intervention is required to save their life.
If you, or someone you know needs to surrender a ferret, please contact us. We will have you sign a surrender form with some basic information. Once a ferret has been surrendered, they are under an automatic 2 week quarantine period to ensure that if they are ill, they do not transmit anything to the other ferrets. During this period, the ferret will see our regular veterinarian, where we will get their vaccinations up to date and get them a full physical to ensure their overall health. If they have no physical issues, we will assess them to see if they have any problem behaviors such as biting/nipping, not using the litter box, etc. And work on addressing and correcting the behavior. If a ferret has severe health issues, then they will remain here at the rescue with us until they cross the rainbow Bridge. If a ferret is surrendered with a partner that they are bonded to, the pair MUST be adopted out together. If one in the pair is severely ill, but the is not, both will remain at the rescue regardless, as we are very adamant about but separating bonded pairs. We, unlike other rescues/shelters, do not charge for surrenders.
If you wish to adopt a ferret, we HIGHLY SUGGEST doing proper research first to ensure that a ferret is the right choice for you. We are happy to answer any questions you may have as well! We recommend a meet and greet, where the potential adopter, and their family, roommate, etc (everyone who lives in the home) come to meet the ferrets to see if there's anyone they bond with, and to answer questions, observe interactions, etc. An adoption application must be filled out as well. An initial home check will be performed, to help the adopter find/assess/fix any potential hazards to the ferret(s) and assess purposed play/living area for the ferret. A veterinary reference is required the adoption process. We ask for a Veterinary reference to ensure that the chosen veterinarian is knowledgeable with treating ferrets. If this is the adopters first pet, or first ferrets, and does not have a that, then we are more than happy to either set them up with the veterinarian that we use, or help them find a ferret knowledgeable veterinarian in their area that they would like to use. We will also perform a basic background check to ensure that the adopter does not have any animal related crimes on their record. if everything with the above go smoothly, the adopter Will be approved to take home the ferret or ferrets of their choice. we will do a secondary surprise home check between 1 and 4 weeks after the ferret has been adopted, to ensure that the ferret is adjusting properly, and that everything Is okay. The adoption fee for a single ferret is $100, and the adoption fee for to ferrets is $150. we do occasionally have sales, and are planning some events for the near future. Please bear in mind that we do not accept "trades" for ferrets, nor do we "haggle" our adoption prices. this upsets people sometimes, however the way that we view it as if you cannot afford the adoption fee, then you very likely cannot afford Veterinary costs, a good high-quality diet, a decent enclosure, etc for the ferret. every ferret adopted out from us will be up to date on their vaccinations, will have had a recent physical well check from the veterinarian, all ferrets are spayed / neutered, de-scented, come with a packet of info on ferrets, their diet important health info, etc, emergency/first aid info for ferrets, a small bottle of their favorite (healthy) treat oil, a new pair of nail clippers, a schedule of their current diet, etc. All ferrets have a lifetime return policy, meaning if the ferrets caregiver passes away, is deployed, etc. we will take the ferret back, no matter the circumstances or condition of the ferret. If a situation like this occurs, any ferret adopted through us may not be sold, given away, or ownership transferred to anyone else; they must come back to the rescue. If a friend or family member would like to adopt the ferret, they may, however they must still go through the adoption process (in this case, adoption fees will be waived... We just want to ensure the ferret(s)will be going to a good home that is prepared to take care of them and their needs). We also offer lifetime support... It doesn't matter if you've adopted from us, or a pet store, either way we are striving to help educate people on ferrets and their needs, to help ensure a better and brighter future for ferrets and their owners through education.
We believe that educating the community can and will have a huge positive impact on how people treat and care for animals. We want to do everything we can to educate as many people as possible.
Currently, we do some teaching at a local College; we teach in the veterinary course,even they get to the "exotics"unit, we teach the unit on ferrets.
We have also been asked to do presentations for summer/day camp programs as well to educate children about ferrets.
If you, or someone know has a group that they think would like an educational presentation about ferrets (complete with real ferret guests to help teach!) please let us know and we are happy to help.
Hopefully in the near future, we will be doing educational workshops a couple times per week, and ferret boarding may also be in the upcoming future
This is one of the simplest ways to help out our cause. We believe the best way for our initiatives to be successful is for the community to actively get involved. This is an easy and efficient way of contributing to the great work we do at King's Ferret Rescue.
Want to help out but you're not quite sure how? Currently we are beginning to take applications for Foster's, this way we can help more ferrets at a time, you may also offer to volunteer your time by coming to help us clean cages, feed, water, bathed, and play with the ferrets, excetera.
Donations are also wonderful help if you do not have time to volunteer. below is a list of items that we pretty much always can use, ranked from the most important things we go through constantly, down to things that we don't go through quite as much but still use quite a bit of:
*Wysong Dry Food (Digestive support)
*Wysong Wet Food (Any flavour/variety)
*Raw Meat (Muscle meat, organs, bone in meat, etc. Any prey animal... Duck, chicken, beef, quail, rabbit, elk, deer, turkey, etc)
*Feline Pine/Wood Pellet Cat Litter
*AlphaTrak 2 testing strips
*Fleece blankets (so I can make these guys liner sets for the cages...Walmart sells fleece blankets for about $2.50)
*Fragrance free laundry detergent
*Cleaning vinegar
*Puppy "pee pee "pads
*Small Cat Litter Boxes (no lid/cover)
*Nitrile Exam Gloves (medium)
*Beech Nut Baby Food (meat only)
*Food/Water bowls (clamp to side of Cage kind)
*Donations for vet bills can either be sent to paypal.me/kingsferretrescue or can be arranged with our vet.. Payments cannot be made ahead of time, we can only have payments made at time of service.
VCA Eastside veterinary hospital
Dr. Shirley Russman
(505)292-5353 EXT. 138
9901 Montgomery Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87111
Another thing that we could also use is people who are willing to volunteer their time to help with transportation. For example, we rescue ferrets from all over the city, as well as the state, and also from neighboring states as well in some cases. It's difficult for us to be gone for several hours at a time, as we have ferrets here who have medical needs, and we must be here to take care of them and give them medication when they need it. So unfortunately, traveling for more than an hour or two is not always possible. Even if people volunteer to do "legs" of a trip, meaning if a couple of people volunteer for the same transport, they can split up the driving, or someone's going on vacation and is going to pass through a certain area and can pick up / drop off a ferret along the way, excetera.

Ashley King
Owner, Founder
Daniel King
Owner, Founder

Our Story
King's Ferret Rescue is comprised of the two founders, owners, and current sole caregivers, Ashley and Daniel King. We've been rescuing ferrets "unofficially" since 2011. We recently got out first home (August 2017) and started talking about making an "official" rescue. We reside in the state of New Mexico, where currently, there are essentially ZERO resources for ferrets or ferret owners.
There have been other rescues, but have closed due to lack of funding, burn out, etc. Of course, the city pound takes ferrets, but it's rare for them to have more than 1 or 2 at a time (If any). As far as we are aware, we are currently the only active, ferret exclusive rescue in the entire state.
There are very few ferret knowledgeable vets, and to be perfectly honest, there's more people here that have no clue what a ferret even is than you could imagine. Of course, those who do know what they are, have several common misconceptions already planted deep within their minds, such as: "Ferrets smell bad", "ferrets are mean, they bite and/or will eat babies if given the opportunity", "ferrets don't need to come out of their cage, ever","the proper diet for a ferret is lots of fresh fruits and vegetables ", "ferrets are rodents"and so on. All of these misconceptions, that seem to be in the minds in the majority of the population, play a MAJOR factor in the (generally ill and improper) treatment of ferrets, this creating extremely shortand unhappy lives for these amazing animals.
After seeing how many ferrets aren't getting the care and treatment that they not only need, but deserve, we decided that a ferret rescue was long overdue....but not only a rescue, a place that helped people to become informed and knowledgeable members of the community, who could help stop perpetuating this seemingly endless cycle of abuse, neglect, and misinformation. Not only that, but teach future generations, so that knowledge may be passed on, and in, and on with the hopes of a better, brighter future. This, King's Ferret Rescue was born at the tail end of October 2017. The past couple of months, we have not only been rescuing from around New Mexico, but we have also started also taking in ferrets from surrounding areas (for example, we've been getting a lot from El Paso, TX lately). Although my husband and I are the sole caregivers, we have a couple of really wonderful, amazing friends who help us with things such as transport, fundraising (which we're still trying to get the hang of!), etc. If you would like to help in some way, please do not hesitate to contact us, we would love to hear from you!
Speaking of contact, you may contact us at any time if you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc. at: 505-907-9697
Currently, we teach at a local community college in the veterinary courses covering ferret education. We're also working on putting together educational workshops for the community so that anyone who would like to learn more about these fuzzy creatures and their diet, training them, their ancestry and history, Etc may join us to expand their knowledge. These educational workshops will be for people of all ages, new ferret owners as well as old ferret owners, and people who do not on ferrets at all (yet, anyway... Ferrets are like good potato chips, you can't have just one!) Our goal with this educational Workshop is to help everyone in our community learn more about ferrets and how to care for them properly. We believe that this will make a change for the better, and help future generations of ferret owners, veterinarians, Etc. And in extension, the ferrets that they own and/or care for/treat.
We are also hoping to start doing ferret boarding within the near future as well.
We are not currently a non-profit ( meaning we do not have a 501 c 3 tax exemption), however we are completely self-funded, meaning that everything related to the rescue from medical bills to food comes directly out of our pockets. It is very rare that we get donations, however if you do want to make some kind of donation do keep in mind that until we are finished with getting our 501c3 finished ( which we are hoping to have done by the end of 2018 as the approval process takes a while) any donation made is considered a gift, meaning that you may not use receipts to write off for tax purposes. However, if a financial gift is given, we are more than happy to show receipts as proof, so as far as donations go, food and anything towards vet bills are the two biggest necessities and are always appreciated. We generally have an average of about 20 ferrets, give or take, but we have the capacity to hold 40 currently.
We have a wonderful Veterinary team with a Primary Care Veterinarian that is extremely knowledgeable, compassionate, And kind when it comes to these little guys. Their clinic is open 24 hours a day, which allows for us to taken ferrets at any hour if there is an emergency situation. if you would like the Vets information so that you may use them yourself, would like to make a donation, or have any kind of questions, please feel free to contact them with the following information.
VCA Eastside Veterinary Hospital
9901 Montgomery Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111
Dr. Shirley Russman DVM
Phone 505-292-5353 EXT. 138
Fax 505-296-2979
Email: shirley.russman@vca.com

“Everything that is done in the world is done by hope”
Martin Luther
Contact King's Ferret Rescue
316 Del Aker Rd NW
Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, Bernalillo County 87107